The Beth­le­hem Mis­si­on Hou­se Associa­ti­on

As an eccle­si­as­ti­cal com­mu­ni­ty, the Beth­le­hem Mis­si­on So­cie­ty can on­ly ex­er­cise ci­vil and se­cu­lar rights and ob­li­ga­ti­ons to a li­mi­ted extent. The Beth­le­hem Mis­si­on Hou­se As­so­cia­ti­on was foun­ded for this pur­po­se.

While the papal decree issued in 1921 means that the Bethlehem Mission Society SMB is recognised under canon law, the community can only deal with civil law matters to a limited extent. For this reason, the Bethlehem Mission House Association (VMB for short) was founded in 1907, long before the SMB was actually formed.

The Association represents the interests of the Mission Society in all civil matters. For example, it manages the SMB’s assets, performs financial tasks and is entered in the land register as the owner of properties and real estate. At the same time, it is also the employer of the employees of the administration of the Mission House and endeavours to provide the necessary care for the SMB members in the nursing ward.

The Bethlehem Mission House Association is also the formal client of the “Living in Bethlehem” housing project.