The SMB Friendship Circle

The SMB Fri­endship Cir­cle con­nects fri­ends of the Beth­le­hem Mis­si­on So­cie­ty, or­ga­ni­s­es mee­tings with the SMB com­mu­ni­ty and its mem­bers and brings the ide­as of the Mis­si­on So­cie­ty to the pu­blic.

The SMB Friendship Circle has been in existence since August 2016. It was founded following a suggestion by Bethlehem missionary Pablo Meier by a resolution of the 2013 General Chapter. The following General Chapter in 2018 confirmed this resolution and the continuation of the SMB Friendship Circle. More than 210 people have joined so far.

Goal and purpose – relationship to the SMB

The SMB Friendship Circle has four central tasks and objectives:

  • Gathering and meeting friends of the SMB (advertising, friendship meetings, information letters, etc.)
  • Meetings with the SMB community and cultivating relationships with individual SMB missionaries
  • Assistance / services for SMBs (transport services, participation in committees, etc.)
  • Updating the SMB philosophy and publicising it

How is the SMB Friendship Circle organised?

The SMB Friendship Circle is not organised as an association. It is managed by a core group in which the leadership of the Mission Society is also represented.

Current members of the core group:

  • Peter Trutmann, Immensee (Management)
  • Anita Baumgartner, Immensee
  • Rita Inderbitzin, Küssnacht
  • Peter Leumann, Immensee
  • Georg L’Homme, Zurich
  • Anna Schäli, Kerns
  • Sonja Marty, Hünenberg Lake
  • Astrid Peissard, Basel

The members of the SMB Friendship Circle are invited to two friendship meetings a year (usually in June and October), to a barbecue evening (August), a candlelight celebration (in Advent) and also to other events in Immensee. They receive regular information via information letters. They are also invited to spread the ideas of the SMB in their own environment.

How can I join the SMB Friendship Circle?

Interested persons who feel close to the Mission Society are very welcome and can register for the Friendship Circle using the web form or the registration form (see below). By becoming a member, you show your solidarity with the SMB.