About our mission

The un­der­stan­ding of mis­si­on and the self-image of the Beth­le­hem Mis­si­on So­cie­ty has con­stant­ly chan­ged throughout its his­to­ry. From mis­si­on ter­ri­to­ries to mis­sio­na­ry as­si­gn­ments (pro­ject work) and dea­ling with age­ing.

The self-image of the Bethlehem Mission Society SMB is defined entirely by its mission and its purpose. The understanding of mission by the Second Vatican Council is taken up in the documents of the SMB General Chapter of 1967 as the starting point for the coming period. From a structural point of view, an important aspect was the change from mission territories to missionary assignments (projects).

Combining mission and development cooperation

The documents of the 1974 General Chapter of the Bethlehem Mission Society were characterised by three main motifs: the essential link between mission and development cooperation, partnership with the local churches, and the basic ecumenical orientation. These texts were later deepened further: “Life in abundance” was the heading for the elements of justice, peace and the integrity of creation, which is also echoed in the mission statement.

In 2008, the General Chapter dealt with the further development of the association called Bethlehem Mission Immensee (BMI for short) and focussed primarily on the topic of “Mission today”. In this document, the old (pre-conciliar) and new understanding of mission was discussed in detail, emphasising not only the acknowledgement but also the reception of the new understanding of mission by the SMB members and lay employees in their jointly supported missionary activities on the various continents.

The end of a mission …

The General Chapter of 2013 made a spiritual contribution with the document “Some of us are getting older…”, in which elements of a spirituality in the last phases of life were formulated that are valid throughout the entire life course. In connection with this topic, a documentary film was also produced in collaboration with Swiss Radio and Television SRF, which provides some interesting insights into the developments of the Bethlehem Mission Society in recent years.

Documentary film "The end of the mission - A piece of Swiss world history" (in German)